Sunday, October 26, 2014


This time of year is not my favorite. I'm not sure how other people like , but for me is very important sunshine.  Happily I live at Adriatic coast where are plenty sunny days. The sun give me life energy, even when everything went wrong . I can't imagine how would look like to live somewhere in cold and rainy area. For me impossible !


This sunset I snap from my balcony. Like everywhere last year was with much more rain and gray, but anyway in my area was still enough sunny days. Some days started with heavy clouds, and slowly turn to blue sky with nice sunset. This make me happy and I become ready to fight life problems. Trust me , sunshine give me extraordinary energy. 


Sky was dark but turn blue like in this photo above. I was sad with many problems and how weather changes my sadness gone and my problems disappear. Definitely sun is my life energy!

Every day I am outside walking with my dog, mostly near sea and we enjoy every minute there.